Wednesday 13 November 2013

Se7en - Film Response

Se7en is a 1991 psychological thriller directed by David Fincher. It stars Morgan Freeman as Detective William Somerset and Brad Pitt as Detective David Mills. It has an 18 certificate rating.
This is the second time I've seen this movie and I enjoyed watching it this time round because I could pick out things that I had never noticed before. For example, when they catch John Doe (Kevin Spacey), they say that they find 3 traces of blood - one which is unidentified. This obviously is a foreshadowing of the shocking ending which went down in cinematic history.
I find that the movie is very dark and it is successfully portrayed through Fincher's brilliant direction.
Personally, I think the most horrible crimes in the movie are the sloth and lust murders. Sloth because it actually turns out that the person is still alive but in a horrible condition. And the lust murder because - well, that would be any girl's worst nightmare.
The story is intricately thought out and succeeds in intriguing the audience effectively.
Morgan Freeman plays a great role in being a nearly retired detective. He's believable and you can see his struggle along with Mills and his attitude. Brad Pitt is good at portraying the angry detective Mills. He plays it so well in my opinion that you don't actually see the ending coming until maybe minutes before.
Kevin Spacey is very menacing as the terrifying John Doe and I think he is perfect for the villain type role.
All in all a good movie that I would rate 4.5/5 stars.

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