Tuesday 19 November 2013

Indecision - Short Film Response

Indecision is a short comical film by postgraduate students.
The film depicts a man who is deciding to break up with his girlfriend which is being narrated by a man. As he walks off it portrays how indecisive the male character is and then proceeds to do this interesting 360 degree camera movement. It then ends with the man's legs in one scene and his head in another - symbolising his indecision. And then the tide decides to come in even though he hasn't decided whether to come or go.
I found this film extremely funny because I wasn't expecting his legs to just be poking out of the ground as the camera was spinning between the two scenes. I thought it was a nice touch that as he was stuck between the two scenes the woman had left symbolising the fact that she had moved on.
I think this short film is very interesting and fun.

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