Thursday 14 November 2013

New interest - Maleficent

A while ago - maybe even last year - I heard about a new live-action Disney film being released called Maleficent. The announcement came with this teaser poster which gave people a feel of how the movie would look:-
  At first, I was quite apprehensive at the thought of Angelina Jolie playing such an iconic Disney villain as I don't think that she's as great as everyone makes her out to be (and seeing as she ruined one of my favourite game characters - Lara Croft).
However, recently, the film's trailer has been released - showing us not only Maleficent but our original heroine Princess Aurora (played by the brilliant Elle Fanning). The art, set and costume design seems beautifully thought out and quite extravagant for a live-action movie and I hope it all falls into place because after seeing the trailer I am really interested in giving this film a watch.
Being a fan of the original Sleeping Beauty, a re-imagining is quite an exciting idea and if pulled off well this movie will be another Disney classic. I reckon that Maleficent will end up being either at least a PG as it is coming from the antagonist's point of view and not our protagonist (which again is an interesting spin on such a family movie).
This is the recent trailer that has been released:-
I think this shows enough for the audience to get a feel of how Jolie will portray the character. I think she has the monotone voice down and her demeanor seems very sinister and this has made me feel better about the casting choice.
My only criticism is how much Disney is milking the fact that they have such a big star like Angelina Jolie for their movie. It's rather irritating to see after a while.

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