Sunday 29 September 2013

How is the setting used to create meaning and understanding in Close Encounters of the Third Kind?

Close Encounters poster.jpgClose Encounters of the Third Kind is a Steven Spielberg movie made in 1977 starring Richard Dreyfuss.

In the film, the Devils Tower is an extremely important setting as the aliens imprint the image of this place within certain people’s minds. The Devils Tower is situated in the plains of Wyoming which means that it’s quite an isolated landmark. This can loosely relate to Area 51 as that is in an isolated place and is supposedly known for dealing with extra-terrestrials.
By the Devils Tower is a landing runway for the aliens to land on. This means that it had been there a long time or the aliens knew it was going to happen as the image of the Tower had been put into those whom the aliens reached out to. This runway is surrounded by many people and high tech equipment which implies that it’s government/professional procedure.
When the alien ship opens out, there is nothing but bright whiteness that comes out of it. This can be interpreted in many ways such as they are the bringers of hope and light as they are not from our world. Another way it can be interpreted is how mysterious the unknown species is. The audience cannot see into the UFO which makes the beings seem a little bit more intimidating and sinister.
In conclusion, the setting in Close Encounters brings a sense of mystery and confusion much like what the characters on screen are feeling at the sight of the UFO.

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